Art of Kilforth Artbook & Gloom of Kilforth reprints - SHIPPING NOW!
Created by Tristan Hall
A journey through the beautiful world of Kilforth, from Hall or Nothing
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Art of Kilforth Update 11, November/December 2023 - Final Update!
10 months ago
– Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 04:40:16 AM
Hello there,
Well this is it, we've finally come to the end of another epic journey together – thank you so much for being a part of all of this. Your lovely messages of support as well as your spreading the good word about our games are what keep us going. Our commitment has always been to continue delivering epic, high quality, and unique games on a par with the best out there. And early feedback on the game and Artbook has been amazing, with many people pointing out that Call of Kilforth is the most beautiful Hall or Nothing game so far. We also welcome all the people new to the world of Kilforth – watching you dive in has been incredibly rewarding. The Artbook was something completely new to us, but it seems to have gone down an absolute treat, and we're absolutely delighted with it. :)
Fulfilment should finally be complete at this stage, so if you are still waiting for your package, now is the time to email Gamesquest directly and raise a ticket if you haven't already. If you have already raised a ticket, and Gamesquest have not replied to you within 14 days, email them again and CC us in ([email protected]) and we will personally chase this up for you with our account manager.
How to Play Call Of Kilforth with The Meeple Marathon
If you're wondering how to get started with all of this Kilforth business, this video is a great way in:
And that's all for now! If you haven't already, we hope you'll join us on our next journey into the misty lands of Kilforth, this time into its deadly underbelly with our Dungeon Crawl Card Game, Kreel Manor:
And if you want something a little different, our bleakest, nastiest game yet is threatening the horizon. Although we warn you now, Sublime Dark is not for everybody...
Cheers, and have a super Christmas and/or happy holidays – we hope you get to play tons of games with your friends and family or alone, and that you're safe, happy, and well fed!
Art of Kilforth Update 10, October 2023 - Fulfilment + Videos + Play-Throughs!
11 months ago
– Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 09:15:15 AM
Hello there,
The parcels are landing finally, and we have a tonne of community content to share with you below – thanks to everyone for posting up pics and videos and sharing the news on the webs, and please be sure to rate the game on BGG if you haven't already. :)
Fulfilment Ongoing!
US/Canada – fulfilment is well underway, if not completed already.
Australia/EU/UK/RoW – fulfilment is either beginning or already underway.
Asia – fulfilment is underway, but some countries take much longer than others to reach unfortunately.
In all cases, if you haven't received your parcel by the end of November contact us to chase it up for you: [email protected]
'I love the additions... the ships are awesome, the ocean locations are so cool – the art is the best in the series' – the lovely Colin from Meet Me At The Table, alumni of One Stop Coop Shop, has lots of nice things to say about #CallOfKilforth:
'Hall or Nothing have the most incredible artwork, really maybe of any board games out there' – All Games New and Old enjoying their Call of Kilforth Unboxing:
Combining Call of Kilforth with other Kilforth games
You can find all of our rulebooks at the link below. The file you're looking for is 'Shadows of Kilforth Variants Sheet' and the section on COMBINING KILFORTH GAMES – just choose to use either the Badlands or Ocean locations.
That said, if you'd like to use both Badlands and Ocean location types you could add an extra 5 Ocean locations (don't use Blood Seas) to one edge of the map as a 'coastline'. The Oceans wouldn't be referenced by card effects because you'd be using the Night tokens to identify reward/night card locations, but you can still sail the high seas and have encounters there too. :)
This is a fun game mode for veteran players that we didn't manage to squeeze in before printing, but which we'll maybe roll out for future print runs – feel free to use it in any of your Kilforth games:
Setup: Rimeshore Port (or any other City) is in the middle of the Map as normal. The other 24 locations are concealed: shuffle and place them beneath an Explore card (use any playing card) in a stack. Whenever a hero moves/relocates to a concealed location, draw from the base of the stack to reveal the location, and add Resources/Ships/Plots as required. Shortcuts, maps, discovered rewards, finales, Ancient assaults, etc. are unavailable until their relevant locations are revealed. Night cards placed into concealed locations are instead placed in a revealed location, First Hero’s choice.
Deluxe or Pimp
Some of you missed this from the December update so here's a reminder about the deluxe expansion names:
We've listened to you all, so thanks for your comments. We're sensitive to people's opinions and thoughts on the topic. Many people are happy with the Pimp My brand and many would prefer the Deluxe brand. We've already printed a run of expansions called Pimp My Shadows and Pimp My Gloom, so those will keep the same name for this print run and delivery, but moving forward we will update both of these expansions to the Deluxe brand in future print runs, including Deluxe Call, which is going to print now. As has been pointed out numerous times, those deluxe components will likely be mixed into your base games straight away in any case.
Don't forget, you can listen at your leisure to the full Kilforth sound track from our very own and very lovely Francesca L Hall via our youtube channel here:
And that's all for now, have a brilliant week ahead.
Tristan xx
PS. Has anyone played as the Paylorn yet? :D
Art of Kilforth Update 9, September 2023 - Artbooks Landed + BGG + Kreel Manor!
12 months ago
– Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 04:30:06 AM
Hello there,
The Kilforth Has Landed!
The stock has now arrived in our UK, Asia, and Australia hubs! The EU and US hubs are due to land this week, so fulfilment will commence throughout October for everyone, except for Asia, which has already started, and where we've already had our first confirmed received package! :D
Veilwraith on the BoardGameGeek podcast + Kreel Manor gets a mention!
Check out this excellent BGG Podcast #24: Oldies but Goodies, with @beforeyouplay_ and @candidrum and it just so happens to feature #Veilwraith and #KreelManor :D
Rob's Tabletop World on Hall or Nothing
The legendary Rob Oren of Rob's Tabletop World is soldiering through rough times right now, yet he still has the strength and willpower to post this humbling and thoroughly lovely video about us and our games, particularly #1565StElmosPay 👊
If you missed the whole Kickstarter campaign for #KreelManor The Dungeon Crawl Card Game, you can now grab yourself a late pledge pre-order right here:
Any fans of HeroQuest out there? I developed the solo/coop random dungeons rules for #HeroQuest many years ago, so it's a real delight to see them still being enjoyed by so many – and even getting a shout out on The Dungeon Dive. Past Tristan would be super excited, just like me! :D
And if you're interested, you can download these solo/coop Heroquest rules here:
Art of Kilforth Update 8 - EU/OZ Freight Shipping Underway + BGG + Call Play-Through + Kreel Manor!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 08:57:51 AM
Hello there,
EU and Australia KS shipping update
Australia - Games are already en route to the hub at Aetherworks. It takes a couple of weeks to clear customs and to be sorted by Aetherworks for fulfilment, so hopefully packages will be shipping out by the end of September and into early October, but this will depend where Aetherworks is up to with their other projects at that time.
EU - The EU shipment has already departed. ETA into EU soil (Germany) is 12th September. It takes a couple of weeks to clear customs and to be sorted by Intermail for fulfilment, so hopefully packages will be shipping out by the end of September and into early October, but this will depend where Intermail is up to with their other projects at that time.
As always, I implore your continuing patience as we move through fulfilment. My personal feeling is that we ship out games from their respective hubs as soon as is possible for each hub rather than artificially holding up the process so everyone gets their games at a similar time. Over all of our 100% successfully delivered campaigns so far, each hub has had a go at being the first to arrive, so if one hub gets it before the others, no biggie – it just means the rest of us get to watch unboxing videos and read session reports whilst we eagerly wait. :)
Call of Kilforth play-through
Watch as Canje Studios takes us into a play-through of the first Mass Production Copy of the game!
Along the southern fringes of Kilforth, the Ancients finalise their insidious plans and send forth the unstoppable gloom. Heroes and villains take to their ships, boasting loyalties to the imperious Blue Drake Navy or the lawless Sea Dogs. And as ill winds blow through the idyllic tropical archipelago, beneath the cerulean waves, great beings stir...
Hall or Nothing on BGG
We absolutely buzzing about having our games discussed at length on the mighty BGG podcast. The lovely Candice Harris and Rob Oren (Rob’s Tabletop World) bring the goods, talking about all kinds of cool games, and they also had lots of really excellent things to say about us and our games too! Well worth a listen:
And as if that wasn't awesome enough, Veilwraith is also featured on the following episode with Candice chatting to Monique from Before You Play:
Also, be sure to check out this epic review of #ShadowsOfKilforth from the super duper NinjaGeekGames:
Kreel Manor: Citadel of Horrors Funded on Kickstarter
Kilforth has evolved! Kreel Manor: Citadel of Horrors – The Dungeon Crawl Card Game is now live on Kickstarter and funded in 40 minutes! Come and explore the dangerous dungeons of Kilforth in this beautiful, brand new game in the World of Kilforth...
Art of Kilforth Update 7 - Freight Shipping Begins + BGG podcast + Videos + Kreel Manor!
about 1 year ago
– Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 08:05:35 AM
Hello there,
All the games and artbooks have finished printing, yay! :D So here's a...
...Freight Shipping Report By Hub
Asia - Games are already on the way, if not at the warehouse already. Shipping to backers will commence once the hub has cleared down their current projects.
Australia & EU - Games are all ready for collection from the printers, we're just waiting to hear from both of these hubs, but the games should still be on the boats in August.
UK + RoW - The UK shipment is booked aboard a ship leaving China this week. ETA into UK soil is 7th September. It takes a couple of weeks to clear customs and to be sorted by Gamesquest for fulfilment, so hopefully packages will be shipping out by the end of September and into early October, but this will depend where Gamesquest is up to with their other projects at that time.
US - The US shipment is booked aboard a ship leaving China this week. ETA into US soil is 12th September. It takes a couple of weeks to clear customs and to be sorted by QML for fulfilment, so hopefully packages will be shipping out by the end of September and into early October, but this will depend where QML is up to with their other projects at that time.
Canada - As per US above, but the Canadian shipment will have to ship up from the US QML hub first, so will likely take a couple of weeks longer.
As always, I implore your continuing patience as we move through fulfilment. My personal feeling is that we ship out games from their respective hubs as soon as is possible for each hub rather than artificially holding up the process so everyone gets their games at a similar time. Over all of our 100% successfully delivered campaigns so far, each hub has had a go at being the first to arrive, so if one hub gets it before the others, no biggie – it just means the rest of us get to watch unboxing videos and read session reports whilst we eagerly wait. :)
Last Chance for Add-Ons!
Please note: thefollowing is no longer an option for ordersfrom the Asia hub sincefulfilment is imminent...
As freight shipping is commencing, this is now your very last chance to add on anything you might have missed – like the miniatures or artbook/promo cards – to your order in the same shipment. Any future orders will have to have shipping paid for separately. So have a last peek at what's available at our shop link below, and if you see something you like, please email [email protected] and we'll see about adding it to your order (as long as it's still available at your hub):
'Everything this guy touches is fantastic... Flawless games. Flawless!' – A solid 10 minutes of coverage of Hall or Nothing games on the latest episode of the very cool BoardGameGeek podcast, including some very lovely compliments indeed. Thanks so much for the shout-out @BoardGameGeek @candidrum @RobsGamingTable :D
The lovely @CanjeStudios takes on the cruel Scion of Sorrow – who's gonna win? Check out this epic Shadows of Kilforth play-through from Canje Studios:
Kreel Manor – The Dungeon Crawl Card Game
For the Kilforth fans out there, and/or fans of dungeon crawlers, 'Kreel Manor: Citadel of Horrors' – The Dungeon Crawl Card Game will look beautiful on your table, and it plays great too! :D